MYSTIC MAMMA x BE LOVE have joined in collaboration to create the LOVE MOTHER EARTH - GIVE BACK CAMPAIGN.
Together we are DONATING ALL PROFIT from sales of LOVE MOTHER EARTH merchandise to
AMAZON FRONTLINES, an international group of human rights lawyers and environmental activists working with indigenous peoples to defend their rights to land, life and cultural survival as original caretakers of the Amazon Rainforest. WWW.AMAZONFRONTLINES.ORG
Our LOVE MOTHER EARTH collection is 100% organic, silk screened by hand, sustainable and ethically made - in Los Angeles California. This GIVE BACK collaboration with MYSTIC MAMMA and BE LOVE builds on nearly 20 years of friendship, love, respect and co-creation.
The artist Mijanou Montealegre - under her MYSTIC MAMMA brand has been creating extraordinary art and design for over 15 years that at once holds love, power and reverence for the Divine Feminine with minimalist beauty.
LOVE MOTHER EARTH was designed with the intention to remind us of our sacred relationship with Mother Earth - and our need to return to Her the Love that She unconditionally gives to us. We are all children of the Earth.

All profit from the sale of our ‘LOVE MOTHER EARTH’ design are being donated to AMAZON FRONTLINES - an indigenous-led environmental justice organization dedicated to honoring and protecting the Amazon Rainforest now and for future generations.
Indigenous peoples protect 80% of the Earth's biodiversity in the forests, deserts, grasslands, and marine environments in which they have lived for centuries.
AMAZON FRONTLINES has supported the creation of the indigenous-led Ceibo Alliance, which is working to defend the land, the lives and the cultures of the Kofan, Secoya, Siona, and Waorani peoples.
AMAZON FRONTLINES is building sustainable infrastructure - including solar power and rainwater recapture harvesting systems for nearly 1000 families in more than 50 villages across five million acres of threatened rivers and forests in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru in order to ensure long-term sustainability and preservation of the cultures and natural ecology in the Amazon Rainforest. WWW.AMAZONFRONTLINES.ORG