Posted on June 23 2021

Kaili, please share with us how you Be Love in the world :)
The way that I Be Love in the world is that I'm always working on myself so that I can be a source of love and compassion for others. Over this past year I really focused on carving out time for myself every day by doing things that brought me joy and helped me stay grounded. I started a regular meditation and yoga practice, took classes that challenged me to grow as an artist, read, gardened, and daydreamed. Because I took that time for myself I am now a happier and fuller version of myself than I was before, and I will never go back - only forward. My two daughters and a lot of their friends are LGBTQIA, and so it's very important to me to provide a safe space in our home where everyone feels like they can fully be themselves, because they may not have that anywhere else. When I am at my best I can then better support others to be their best. I believe that self love is community love."
Why did you choose the Be Love design you're wearing?
"I love the Radical Love design because it always reminds me to challenge myself to love outside what is comfortable or familiar. For change to truly happen, I believe we need to be radical with our love!"
You can find out more about Kaili @kailihollisterofficial